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Sa Sainteté Sakya Trizin |
- Samedi 28 Juin 2014
Initiation majeure - Wangchen
de Tchenrezi Avalokiteshvara, Bodhisattva de la Compassion.
Lieu : Centre Rigpa - 6 Bis Rue Vergniaud - 92300 Levallois-Perret
(M° Louise Michel – Ligne 3 Direction Pont de Levallois)
après-midi : 14h00
Enseignement sur la pratique - Sadhana de Tchenrezi.
Lieu : Centre Rigpa - 6 Bis Rue Vergniaud - 92300 Levallois-Perret
(M° Louise Michel – Ligne 3 Direction Pont de Levallois)
NB : le texte du Sadhana sera vendu sur place une fois l’initiation reçue.
- Dimanche 29 Juin
"Comment être un(e)
Bouddhiste authentique dans le monde moderne"
Conférée en Anglais, avec traduction en Français.
Lieu : Centre Rigpa - 6 Bis Rue Vergniaud - 92300 Levallois-Perret
(M° Louise Michel – Ligne 3 Direction Pont de Levallois)
Initiation de Longue Vie
En présence de l’ensemble de la Communauté Tibétaine de Paris et ses environs.
Conférée en Tibétain, avec traduction en Français uniquement.
Organisée en collaboration avec l’Association Tsechen Tsokpa.
Lieu : Palais Des Congrès Paris Est - 128 rue de Paris - 93100 Montreuil
(M° Robespierre – Ligne 9 Direction Mairie de Montreuil)
Tarifs Préférentiels jusqu’au 11 Mai 2014
Tarif pour la journée (initiation Tchenrezi & explications): 55 €
Tarif pour la matinée (conférence publique): 27 €
Tarif pour l’après-midi (initiation Longue Vie): 27 €
Etre Membre de l'Association est nécessaire pour pouvoir assister aux événements
La cotisation pour 2014 est de 16 €.
Merci d’ajouter ce montant à la participation demandée pour les événements.
Inscription (Pleins Tarifs) :
Les inscriptions se feront le Vendredi 27 Juin 2014, de 16h à 20h, au :
Centre Rigpa
6 Bis Rue Vergniaud
92300 Levallois-Perret
(M° Louise Michel – Ligne 3 Direction Pont de Levallois)
Nous vous remercions de faire tout votre possible afin de ne pas vous inscrire le matin même des enseignements/initiations afin de ne pas entraver la bonne marche des événements. Nous comptons sur votre compréhension.
Samedi 28 Juin 2014
Tarif pour la journée : 70 €
Dimanche 29 Juin 2014
Tarif pour la matinée : 35 €
Tarif pour l’après-midi : 35 €
L'Association Sakya Kunga Ling est uniquement constituée de bénévoles uniquement et tire ses revenus des recettes encaissées lors des événements qu’elle organise. Vous pouvez nous
manifester votre soutien en faisant un don, quelqu’en soit le montant.
Informations, préinscriptions (tarifs préférentiels) :
de vous adresser à : sakya.trizin.paris2014@outlook.fr
Tel : +33(0)982444499
SAKYA KUNGA LING, Intercontinental Institute of Vajrayana, is happy to inform you that His Holiness the Sakya Trizin will be visiting Paris in 2014.
The programme of teachings and initiations bestowed by His Holiness is as follows:
AM 9:00
Conferred in English, with a translation into French.
Location : Centre Rigpa - 6 Bis Rue Vergniaud - 92300 Levallois-Perret
(Metro station ‘Louise Michel’ –> Take metro Line 3 towards ‘Pont de Levallois’)
PM 14:00
Teaching conferred in English, with a translation into French.
NB: the Sadhana will be on sale at same location once initiation is bestowed.
Location : Centre Rigpa - 6 Bis Rue Vergniaud - 92300 Levallois-Perret
(Metro station ‘Louise Michel’ –> Take metro Line 3 towards ‘Pont de Levallois’)
AM 9:00
Teaching conferred in English, with a translation into French.
Location : Centre Rigpa - 6 Bis Rue Vergniaud - 92300 Levallois-Perret
(Metro station ‘Louise Michel’ –> Take metro Line 3 towards ‘Pont de Levallois’)
PM 14:00
In the presence of the whole Tibetan Community living in Paris and its suburbs.
Conferred in Tibetan, with a translation into French only (please kindly understand that an additional translation into English would make the event last too long).
Organized in collaboration with the Association Tsechen Tsokpa.
Location : Palais Des Congrès Paris Est - 128 rue de Paris - 93100 Montreuil
(Metro station ‘Robespierre’ –> Take metro Line 9 towards ‘Mairie de Montreuil’)
Pre-registration: (Preferred pricing till May 11th, 2014)
Saturday June 28th, 2014
Contribution for the day (Tchenrezi initiation & explanations): 55 €
Sunday June 29th, 2014
Contribution for the morning (Public conference): 27 €
Contribution for the afternoon (Long life initiation): 27 €
Being a Member of the Association is required to attend the events organized.
The Membership fee for 2014 is 16 €.
Please add this amount to the contribution requested for the events.
Our Association comprises people who volunteer their time and energy in the service
of the initiatives concerned. Our revenues are derived from the events organized
only. You can show your support through a donation, whatever its amount.
Information, pre-registration (preferred pricing):
Please write to sakya.trizin.paris2014@outlook.fr
Registration (Full rates):
Registration will occur on Friday June 27th, from 04:00 to 08:00 pm at the:
Centre Rigpa
6 Bis Rue Vergniaud
92300 Levallois-Perret
(Metro station ‘Louise Michel’ –> Take metro Line 3 towards ‘Pont de Levallois’)
Unless it is not otherwise possible, please try your best to avoid last minute registration (on the very morning of the teachings/initiations) in order not to impede the functioning of the events. We hope for your understanding and would like to thank you for your support and cooperation in advance.
Saturday June 28th, 2014
Contribution for the day: 70 €
Sunday June 29th, 2014
Contribution for the morning: 35 €
Contribution for the afternoon: 35 €
Information, pre-registration (preferred pricing):
Please write to sakya.trizin.paris2014@outlook.fr
Tel : +33(0)982444499
SAKYA KUNGA LING, Intercontinental Institute of Vajrayana, is happy to inform you that His Holiness the Sakya Trizin will be visiting Paris in 2014.
The programme of teachings and initiations bestowed by His Holiness is as follows:
- Saturday June 28th, 2014
AM 9:00
High initiation Wangchen of Tchenrezi Avalokiteshvara
Bodhisattva of Compassion
Conferred in English, with a translation into French.
Location : Centre Rigpa - 6 Bis Rue Vergniaud - 92300 Levallois-Perret
(Metro station ‘Louise Michel’ –> Take metro Line 3 towards ‘Pont de Levallois’)
PM 14:00
Teaching on the practice (sadhana) of Tchenrezi
Teaching conferred in English, with a translation into French.
NB: the Sadhana will be on sale at same location once initiation is bestowed.
Location : Centre Rigpa - 6 Bis Rue Vergniaud - 92300 Levallois-Perret
(Metro station ‘Louise Michel’ –> Take metro Line 3 towards ‘Pont de Levallois’)
- Sunday June 29th, 2014:
AM 9:00
Public conference
"How to be a Good Buddhist in the Modern World"
Teaching conferred in English, with a translation into French.
Location : Centre Rigpa - 6 Bis Rue Vergniaud - 92300 Levallois-Perret
(Metro station ‘Louise Michel’ –> Take metro Line 3 towards ‘Pont de Levallois’)
PM 14:00
Long Life initiation
In the presence of the whole Tibetan Community living in Paris and its suburbs.
Conferred in Tibetan, with a translation into French only (please kindly understand that an additional translation into English would make the event last too long).
Organized in collaboration with the Association Tsechen Tsokpa.
Location : Palais Des Congrès Paris Est - 128 rue de Paris - 93100 Montreuil
(Metro station ‘Robespierre’ –> Take metro Line 9 towards ‘Mairie de Montreuil’)
Pre-registration: (Preferred pricing till May 11th, 2014)
Saturday June 28th, 2014
Contribution for the day (Tchenrezi initiation & explanations): 55 €
Sunday June 29th, 2014
Contribution for the morning (Public conference): 27 €
Contribution for the afternoon (Long life initiation): 27 €
Being a Member of the Association is required to attend the events organized.
The Membership fee for 2014 is 16 €.
Please add this amount to the contribution requested for the events.
Our Association comprises people who volunteer their time and energy in the service
of the initiatives concerned. Our revenues are derived from the events organized
only. You can show your support through a donation, whatever its amount.
Information, pre-registration (preferred pricing):
Please write to sakya.trizin.paris2014@outlook.fr
Registration (Full rates):
Registration will occur on Friday June 27th, from 04:00 to 08:00 pm at the:
Centre Rigpa
6 Bis Rue Vergniaud
92300 Levallois-Perret
(Metro station ‘Louise Michel’ –> Take metro Line 3 towards ‘Pont de Levallois’)
Unless it is not otherwise possible, please try your best to avoid last minute registration (on the very morning of the teachings/initiations) in order not to impede the functioning of the events. We hope for your understanding and would like to thank you for your support and cooperation in advance.
Saturday June 28th, 2014
Contribution for the day: 70 €
Sunday June 29th, 2014
Contribution for the morning: 35 €
Contribution for the afternoon: 35 €
Information, pre-registration (preferred pricing):
Please write to sakya.trizin.paris2014@outlook.fr
Tel : +33(0)982444499
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